Debugging with logs

Sometimes Trakr encounters issues when it attempts to capture screenshots or performing a visual test. This can be caused by a number of factors.

Trakr automatically excludes the screenshots with errors from visual testings.

Viewing the logs

You can access the logs for a screenshot collection or visual test from the menu.

View log

Normally, if everything goes well, you should see something that looks like:

No error

One of the hints that you might be having issues with your screenshots or tests is an error screenshot captured as part of a screenshot collection.

Error screenshot

The error log

If Trakr encountered one or more errors, clicking “View logs” will provide you with more details. There are 3 parts to each of the items in the log.

  • The URL/Breakpoint that Trakr had encountered the issue on. It’s possible that Trakr only encountered the error only on the specific breakpoint of the URL.
  • The error message that provides clues on what happened

Error log


Common errors/fixes

  • Error
    Timeout while trying to get URL []
  • Cause
    Trakr has a 30 seconds page timeout which means this error will occur if it is unable to capture a screenshot within this time period. This commonly occurs if your server cannot handle the simultaneous load (e.g. development server) or latency between Trakr resources and your server.
  • Potential fix
    You can try the throttle performance option when taking screenshots for your project.
  • Error
    Timeout trying to locate element [.css-selector]
  • Cause
    Trakr is unable to find the targeted element. This is normally related to the page interaction feature where the user either supplied an inaccurate CSS selector or the element does not exist for that page/breakpoint.
  • Potential fix
    Check your page interaction configurations and test the CSS selector.

Please drop us an email if you consistently encounter errors that cannot be resolved.